I'll give you something even more interesting than the last one. And I'll tell you why it's the best one yet.

Joined on 1/15/21

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One of these was long overdue, but better late than never.

First off, I'm quite impressed that there's nearly a quarter thousand of fans here. Maybe it's because of Twitter falling apart that it mobilized people in here, but still. Thanks!

Like last year, Summer was planned as a time for me to open commissions. However, something happened in April that would shift my focus as of late: I've been accepted into a graduate school.

This meant a lot of moving, paperwork and working to pay off some of the upcoming costs. Does this mean that I'm going through another hiatus like last year for study reasons? God no. And I'll give my best shot on making sure it doesn't happen again. If you noticed me experimenting with simpler artstyles and sketches, it's because of that. I didn't want to go through another hiatus and I hope this hobby remains unscathed by my future lifestyle changes. Getting a PharmD is hard and it'll definitely require a lot of energy from me, but I believe I have not only the ability, but the necessity to keep creating.

That being said, I hope this contextualizes my work for the past months and in the future. I'll be unavailable for a bit until the end of August while I I settle down in my new apartment.

If everything goes by smoothly, there's a chance I'll open commissions for September.

Don't count that as a promise though.

Anyways, you might've noticed a lot of Skullgirls fanart this year. Part of the reason is due to this year being 10 years since I started drawing. And now I'm revisiting my first inspirations to gain some sort of...closure? I dunno. Sentimentalism I guess. Skullgirls is directly the reason I started drawing and revisiting it gives me a sense of how far I've gone. And I just like drawing Valensoul a lot, I guess.

But that's just part of the reason. I've been working hard yet posting less of it as of late (as unlikely as that may seem). I'm working on a commission turned passion project with a friend. How is this relevant is that it's a Valensoul comic. That's right. Most of my fanart up to this point has been practice for a bigger project.

I've been hinting at it on other socials, but now that both the script and storyboard are complete and I'm getting ready to draw the final pages, I feel much confident in announcing it here. That being said, I'm not gonna share much more information other than It's a Valensoul comic, it's niche but I think a specific subgroup of my followers will like it very much and don't expect it to be released for a good couple of months, more so now that I have to balance it with my student life.


I'm moving for academic reasons which might affect my output, but I'll make sure my best to keep doing what I like. Once all falls into place and I'm well accomodated, I might open commissions. I'm also making a one-off comic with a friend, and it's going nicely. I might disappear for a while until late-august, but not much more than that. My work means a lot to me and I don't want to take another hiatus.

Thanks for sticking around. I'll see you in a couple of weeks.


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