Yooo, over 300 fans here? Like in the movie? That's crazy~
It's been quite a while since I've made a news update here, and not due to inactivity. College has been hogging a lot of my time and attention with art taking a backseat. And I have so much energy to get through both personal and world events. I expect for these upcoming months to be the hump of the college program and that everything afterwards will be smooth sailing, so just a little bit more, I promise! ...I hope.
Anyways, I've been busy!
- I've assisted a few collabs since then, all of which are present in this gallery.
- I've unlisted Twitter/X from my socials; it is only up there to keep the username, communication purposes and facilitate people in finding me other places.
- I've made a Strawpage! I have plans on making a proper website in the future, but this will do for the time being as a virtual business card. Be sure to drop a message or a doodle!
- Probably the most notable of all, I'm developing a Ring Racers mod, SkullracerS! It's been on hiatus for a while as with all of my other endeavors, but I have it on plans and want to get back on updating it by the time my workload lightens up.
There's not much purpose to this post other than to signal that I'm still active, although my life is very much different and it requires me to do things differently from here on out. I very much expect to keep sharing my art in the future.
See you next time!